Gothic Spires architectural art long stitch needlepoint wall hanging. 008A

Judith Drew Designs Gothic Spires architectural inspired needlepoint design.

I was inspired to create this wall hanging after a visiting the magnificent gothic Lincoln Cathedral. I was fascinated by the intricate repeating patterns in the carvings on the pillars around the door and the vast number of arched niches covering the front of the building. I've adapted my design to look more like a town scape of small individual buildings rather than one single building. I've used different stitch pattern within some of the elements to represent the carved stonework and to give texture to the piece.

The purchased download includes a list of everything you need to create this beautiful wall hanging for your home. To get you started here is my list of the recommended Appletons 4 ply tapestry wool codes and quantities required for this pattern.

Sky Blue 562 x 1 skeins
Cornflower 461 x 1 skeins
Kingfisher 489 x 2 skeins
Fuchsia 805 x 1 skeins
Fuchsia 801 x 2 skeins
Pastel shades (cream) 871 x 2 skeins
Odd shades, Dull coral 854 x 1 skeins
Cool Neon (green) 666 x 2 skeins
Bright Yellow 554 x 1 skeins

You will also need

A tapestry/embroidery frame.

See The best frame post for more information.
Zweigart white 18 count / holes per inch mono Royal Deluxe canvas measuring 10 x 17.5 inches / 25.4 x 44.5 cm.

See The best canvas post for more information.

Judith Drew Designs modern architectural long stitch needlepoint pattern and instructions.

Judith Drew Designs Gothic Spires architectural art long stitch needlepoint wall hanging.

Judith Drew Designs needlepoint canvas work tapestry hanging on a dowel rod.

Judith Drew Designs close up of stitch detail on Gothic Spires needlepoint wall hanging.

Judith Drew Designs back view of a finished tapestry wall hanging.

Judith Drew Designs printable needlepoint canvas work full colour pattern chart.

Judith Drew Designs close up of a section of the pattern chart for Gothic Spires.

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