Mythical bird long stitch needlepoint, tapestry wall hanging, pattern and instructions. 014A.

Another of my favourite pastimes is visiting antiques shops, fairs and markets. I'm usually on the lookout for mid century ceramics, furniture and glass but on a visit to a big fair at Doncaster racecourse I was immediately attracted to the large wooden sculpture of what the stall holder was calling a Griffin (see the photo below). I've retitled it as a Mythical Bird.

I don't normally like figurative design but I thought the tall curving shape of the bird would fit nicely on to a long wall hanging so I came up with this design.

For ethical reasons I've decided to stop using wool threads from now on and move to cotton. I've chosen to use DMC Pearle cotton #3. It comes in a wide range of colours and has good coverage on the canvas. The threads have a sheen to them which I wasn't sure about at first but everyone who has seen this design finished has been very positive about it.

The purchased download includes a list of everything you need to create this beautiful wall hanging for your home. To get you started here is my list of the recommended DMC Perle cotton #3 threads

Blue 809 x 4 skeins
Grey 762 x 2 skeins
Orange 742 x 1 skein
Orange 740 x 1 skein
Pink 718 x 1 skein
Dark blue 939 x 1 skein
Brown 840 x 1 skein
Purple 552 x 2 skeins
Green 913 x 1 skein
Green 912 x 1 skein
Green 911 x 1 skein
Green 910 x 1 skein
Turquoise 995 x 1 skein
Turquoise 990 x 1 skein

You will also need

A tapestry/embroidery frame.

See The best frame post for more information.
Zweigart white 18 count / holes per inch mono Royal Deluxe canvas measuring 11 x 26 inches / 28 x 66 cm.

See The best canvas post for more information.
